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LIGHT WINE COLOR: Psychology, Meaning and Code

Light Wine Color (Meaning and Code in the Colour Chart)

The light wine colours refer to the softer shades of the wine colours. They are more illuminated shades of wine, burgundy or burgundy. It is more sophisticated and serious than true red, symbolizing ambition, wealth and power.

It works well with shades of grey, such as light grey or charcoal grey. It also goes very well with turquoise, golden yellow and amber.

Some Light Wine Colors:

Color code hex #a04160

  • Hex color code #a04160 is a shade of pink. In RGB color model #a04160 it is composed of 62.75% red, 25.49% green and 37.65% blue.
  • In the HSL color space #a04160 it has a hue of 340° (degrees), 42% saturation and 44% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 496.43 nm.

Hex color code #932435

  • Hex color code #932435 is a medium dark pink to red shadow. In RGB color model #932435 it is composed of 57.65% red, 14.12% green and 20.78% blue.
  • In HSL color space #932435 it has a hue of 351° (degrees), 61% saturation and 36% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 633.7 nm.

Hex color code #762933

  • Hex color code #762933 is a medium dark pink to red shadow. In RGB color model #762933 it is composed of 46.27% red, 16.08% green and 20% blue.
  • In HSL color space #762933 it has a hue of 352° (degrees), 48% saturation and 31% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 635.95 nm.

Hex color code #8e3155

Hex color code #8e3155 is a medium dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #8e3155 it is composed of 55.69% red, 19.22% green and 33.33% blue.

In HSL color space #8e3155 it has a hue of 337° (degrees), 49% saturation and 37% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 497.55 nm.

Hex color code #b23d6a

  • Hex color code #b23d6a is a shade of pink. In the RGB color model #b23d6a this color is composed of 69.8% red, 23.92% green and 41.57% blue.
  • In the HSL color space #b23d6a has a hue of 337° (degrees), 49% saturation and 47% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 497.35 nm.

Hex color code #722744

  • Hex color code #722744 is a medium dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #722744 it is composed of 44.71% red, 15.29% green and 26.67% blue.
  • In HSL color space #722744 it has a hue of 337° (degrees), 49% saturation and 30% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 497.64 nm.

Hex color code #8f3155

  • Hex color code #8f3155 is a medium dark shade of pink. In RGB color model #8f3155 it is composed of 56.08% red, 19.22% green and 33.33% blue.
  • In HSL color space #8f3155 it has a hue of 337° (degrees), 49% saturation and 38% lightness. This color has a wavelength of approximately 497.41 nm. It is 25% lighter than #722744.

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Resumen / Summary
LIGHT WINE COLOR: Psychology, Meaning and Code
Título / Article Name
LIGHT WINE COLOR: Psychology, Meaning and Code
Descripción / Description
Light Wine Color: Types of Light Wine on the Color Chart
Autor / Author
Autor / Publisher Name
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